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The thermal insulation of Primaloft insulation is comparable to that of down. It uses special water-resistant fibres......read more


Down is one of the warmest materials currently. With its fluffy feature to trap heat and maintain good ventilation, it is extremely......read more

FENC® Insulate

FENC® uses bionics to imitate the structure of down and designs a 3D spiral hollow fiber......read more



Why Delta? It’s not because we’re suddenly sweet on the Greek alphabet. It’s because Delta means change. It will change how you dress for warm-weather activity. We like to call it the “Goldilocks” of fabrics because......read more


Polartec® Power Dry®

透過專利BiPolar二層結構織物,Power Dry®能夠有效的將汗水帶離皮膚,並加快揮發速度......了解更多


Polartec® Power Grid


